Why Real Estate? Science of Imperfections.
If you are wondering about investing in real estate, becoming a real estate agent or just plan on taking some time to study what all the hooplah is about real estate then this should really put things into perspective. For instance I did not know that real estate is the largest asset class in the world. And I also did not know that—the value of housing in the United States alone is $16 trillion. And real estate is the greatest source of wealth for most families. If these two factors alone don't answer the "WHY'S" then nothing will. I would also like to say it shocked me to learn that HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL offers such intense classes solely on the ins and outs of the real estate market. Not just the local real estate market but the global market as well. Perhaps the most noticable thing is about real estate is its level of imperfections. As any successful real estate investor knows and maybe not so successful real estate investor knows, the amount of headaches, fluctuations and constant regulations that is the real estate game may at times make you want to fly off the handle, but the risk reward(profits) that most times seems to follow is well worth the fist pounding.